BSc. (Prog.) Life Sciences
Sri Venkateswara College
University of Delhi
Project Worked on
"Biochemical characterisation and bioactivity of Brassica juncea endophytes"
MSc. (Prog.) Zoology
Department of Zoology
University of Delhi
Project Worked on
"Isolation and characterization of Brassica juncea endophytes to alleviate herbivory stress "
BSc. (Prog.) Biological Sciences
Sri Venkateswara College
University of Delhi
Project Worked on
" Isolation and Identification of soil microbes under elevated CO2 and temperature"
BSc. (Prog.) Zoology
Sri Venkateswara College
University of Delhi
Project Worked on
" Isolation and Identification of soil microbes under Phenanthrene and Fluoranthene stress "
BSc. (Prog.) Life Sciences
Sri Venkateswara College
University of Delhi
Project Worked on
" Identification of microbes isolated from insect"
BSc. (Prog.) Life Sciences
Sri Venkateswara College
University of Delhi
Project Worked on:
" Isolation and Identification of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon (PAH) degrading microbes from soil "
BSc. (Hons.) Botany
Sri Venkateswara College
University of Delhi
Project Worked on:
" Isolation and Identification of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon (PAH) degrading microbes from soil "
BSc. (Prog.) Life Sciences
Sri Venkateswara College
University of Delhi
Project Worked on:
" Screening of plant endophytes for antioxidant and antimicrobial potential "
BSc. (Prog.) Life Sciences
Sri Venkateswara College
University of Delhi
Project Worked on:
" Study of knowledge and popularity of alternate strategies for boosting immunity during the time of COVID-19 "
B.Sc.( Hons.) Biological Sciences
Sri Venkateswara College
University of Delhi
Project Worked on:
" Study of knowledge and popularity of alternate strategies for boosting immunity during the time of COVID-19 " B.Sc.( Hons.) Biological Sciences
BSc. (Prog.) Life Sciences
Sri Venkateswara College
University of Delhi
Project Worked on:
" Study of knowledge and popularity of alternate strategies for boosting immunity during the time of COVID-19 "
BSc. (Prog.) Life Sciences
Sri Venkateswara College
University of Delhi
Project Worked on:
" Study of knowledge and popularity of alternate strategies for boosting immunity during the time of Covid-19 "
BSc. (Prog.) Life Sciences
Sri Venkateswara College
University of Delhi
Project Worked on:
" Study of knowledge and popularity of alternate strategies for boosting immunity during the time of Covid-19 "
BSc. (Prog.) Life Sciences
Sri Venkateswara College
University of Delhi
Project Worked on:
" Survey of Endosymbionts using Omics "
BSc. (Prog.) Life Sciences
Sri Venkateswara College
University of Delhi
Project Worked on:
" Survey of Endosymbionts using Omics "
BSc. (Prog.) Life Sciences
Sri Venkateswara College
University of Delhi
Project Worked on:
" Survey of Endosymbionts using Omics "
BSc. (Hons.) Zoology
Sri Venkateswara College
University of Delhi
Project Worked on:
" Survey of Endosymbionts using Omics "
BSc. (Hons.) Zoology
Sri Venkateswara College
University of Delhi.
Project worked on:
"Study of the endophytes associated with various parts of Azadirachta indica."
“Adaptation of plant – microbe association and plant metabolites in Neem to urban ecosystem"
BSc. (Hons.) Zoology
Sri Venkateswara College
University of Delhi.
Project worked on:
“Study of Lantana distribution based on molecular profiling”
“Adaptation of plant – microbe association and plant metabolites in Neem to urban ecosystem
BSc. (Hons.) Zoology
Sri Venkateswara College
University of Delhi.
Project Worked on:
"Endophytes associated with roadside trees from polluted and less-polluted areas in Delhi"
"Adaptation of plant microbe association and plant metabolites in neem to urban ecosystem".
BSc. (Hons.) Zoology
Sri Venkateswara College
University of Delhi.
Project Worked on:
"Comparitive Microbial Profiling and Biochemical characterisation of two frog species from common habitat. "
“Adaptation of plant – microbe association and plant metabolites in Neem to urban ecosystem"
BSc. (Hons.) Zoology
Sri Venkateswara College
University of Delhi.
Project Worked on:
"Evaluation of Role of Endophytes on insect induced response in Brassica juncea."
“Adaptation of plant – microbe association and plant metabolites in Neem to urban ecosystem"
BSc. (Hons.) Zoology
Sri Venkateswara College
University of Delhi.
Project Worked on:
"Evaluation of Role of Endophytes on insect induced response in Brassica juncea."
“Adaptation of plant – microbe association and plant metabolites in Neem to urban ecosystem"
BSc. (Hons.) Zoology
Sri Venkateswara College
University of Delhi.
Project Worked on:
"Comparitive Microbial Profiling and Biochemical characterisation of two frog species from common habitat. "
BSc. (Hons.) Zoology
Sri Venkateswara College
University of Delhi.
Project Worked on:
"Study of selected tree species and their associated microflora from polluted and less polluted sites."
BSc. (Hons.) Zoology
Sri Venkateswara College
University of Delhi.
Project Worked on:
"Comparitive Microbial Profiling and Biochemical characterisation of two frog species from common habitat. "
BSc. (Hons.) Zoology
Sri Venkateswara College
University of Delhi.
Project Worked on:
" Endophyte extraction and their biochemical analysis".
BSc. (Hons.) Zoology
Sri Venkateswara College
University of Delhi.
Project Worked on:
" Endophyte extraction and their biochemical analysis". "Comparative Microbial Profiling and Biochemical characterization of two frog species from common habitat. "
BSc. (Hons.) Zoology
Sri Venkateswara College
University of Delhi.
Project worked on:
" Comparative soil microbial profile from locations with different pollution levels."
BSc. (Hons.) Zoology
Sri Venkateswara College
University of Delhi.
Project worked on:
" Comparative soil microbial profile from locations with different pollution levels."
Master's Student
Department of Environment Studies,
University of Delhi
Project worked on:
"Comparative Microbial Profiling and Biochemical characterisation of two frog species from common habitat."
BSc. (Hons.) Zoology
Sri Venkateswara College
University of Delhi
Project Worked on:
"Comparative Microbial Profiling and Biochemical characterization of two frog species from common habitat."
“Adaptation of plant – microbe association and plant metabolites in Neem to urban ecosystem"
BSc. (Hons.) Zoology
Sri Venkateswara College
University of Delhi.
Project worked on:
"Isolation of endophytes and their biochemical analysis."
Master's Student
Department of Environment Studies,
University of Delhi
Project worked on:
"Isolation of endophytes and their biochemical analysis."
BSc. (Hons.) Zoology
Sri Venkateswara College
University of Delhi.
Project worked on:
"Isolation of endophytes and their biochemical analysis."
BSc. (Hons.) Zoology
Sri Venkateswara College
University of Delhi.
Project worked on:
“Fortification of Indian mustard by growth promoting bacteria through priming”
BSc. (Hons.) Zoology
Sri Venkateswara College
University of Delhi.
Project worked on:
“Fortification of Indian mustard by growth promoting bacteria through priming”
BSc. (Hons.) Chemistry
Sri Venkateswara College
University of Delhi.
Project worked on:
“Targeting environmental sustainability in Industrial waste water and soil treatment through phytoremediation with Calendula Officinalis in Bhiwadi Industrial Area”
BSc. (Hons.) Chemistry
Sri Venkateswara College
University of Delhi.
Project worked on:
“Targeting environmental sustainability in Industrial waste water and soil treatment through phytoremediation with Calendula Officinalis in Bhiwadi Industrial Area”
BSc. (Hons.) Chemistry
Sri Venkateswara College
University of Delhi.
Project worked on:
“Targeting environmental sustainability in Industrial waste water and soil treatment through phytoremediation with Calendula Officinalis in Bhiwadi Industrial Area”
BSc. (Hons.) Chemistry
Sri Venkateswara College
University of Delhi.
Project worked on:
“Targeting environmental sustainability in Industrial waste water and soil treatment through phytoremediation with Calendula Officinalis in Bhiwadi Industrial Area”
BSc. (Hons.) Chemistry
Sri Venkateswara College
University of Delhi.
Project worked on:
“Targeting environmental sustainability in Industrial waste water and soil treatment through phytoremediation with Calendula Officinalis in Bhiwadi Industrial Area”
BSc. (Hons.) Chemistry
Sri Venkateswara College
University of Delhi.
Project worked on:
“Targeting environmental sustainability in Industrial waste water and soil treatment through phytoremediation with Calendula Officinalis in Bhiwadi Industrial Area”
BSc. (Hons.) Chemistry
Sri Venkateswara College
University of Delhi.
Project worked on:
“Targeting environmental sustainability in Industrial waste water and soil treatment through phytoremediation with Calendula Officinalis in Bhiwadi Industrial Area”
BSc. (Hons.) Biological Sciences
Sri Venkateswara College
University of Delhi.
Project worked on:
“Targeting environmental sustainability in Industrial waste water and soil treatment through phytoremediation with Calendula Officinalis in Bhiwadi Industrial Area”
BSc. (Hons.)Biological Scienes
Sri Venkateswara College
University of Delhi.
Project worked on:
“Targeting environmental sustainability in Industrial waste water and soil treatment through phytoremediation with Calendula Officinalis in Bhiwadi Industrial Area”
BSc. (Hons.) Biological Sciences
Sri Venkateswara College
University of Delhi.
Project worked on:
“Targeting environmental sustainability in Industrial waste water and soil treatment through phytoremediation with Calendula Officinalis in Bhiwadi Industrial Area”
BSc. (Hons.) Biological Sciences
Sri Venkateswara College
University of Delhi.
Project worked on:
“Fortification of Indian mustard by growth promoting bacteria through priming”
BSc. (Hons.) Biological Sciences
Sri Venkateswara College
University of Delhi.
Project worked on:
“Fortification of Indian mustard by growth promoting bacteria through priming”
BSc. (Hons.) Biological Sciences
Sri Venkateswara College
University of Delhi.
Project worked on:
“Fortification of Indian mustard by growth promoting bacteria through priming”
M.Sc. Biosciences,
Jamia Millia Islamia
Project worked on:
"Isolation and extraction of grandular trichomes chemical from
Tomato, Lycopersicon esculentum L., leaf"
M.Sc. Biosciences,
Jamia Millia Islamia
Project worked on:
"Secondary metabolites extraction from Tomato, Lycopersicon esculentum L., leaf"
BSc. (Hons.)Biological Scienes
Sri Venkateswara College
University of Delhi.
Project worked on:
"Chemical and proteomic approach towards effect of biofertilizers on insect induced responses in Brassica juncea."
Bsc. (Hons) Zoology
Sri Venkateswara College
“Fortification of Indian mustard by growth promoting bacteria through priming”
Bsc. (Hons) Zoology
Sri Venkateswara College
Project worked on:
“Fortification of Indian mustard by growth promoting bacteria through priming”
Bsc. (Hons) Zoology
Sri Venkateswara College
Review study on “World cultivation of genetically modified crops: Opportunities and risks”
Bsc. (Hons) Zoology
Sri Venkateswara College
Review study on “World cultivation of genetically modified crops: Opportunities and risks”
Bsc. (Hons) Zoology
Sri Venkateswara College
Project worked on:
“Fortification of Indian mustard by growth promoting bacteria through priming”
Bsc. (Hons) Life Sciences
Sri Venkateswara College
Project worked on:
“Fortification of Indian mustard by growth promoting bacteria through priming”
Bsc. (Hons) Life Sciences
Sri Venkateswara College
Project worked on:
“Fortification of Indian mustard by growth promoting bacteria through priming”
Bsc. (Hons) Life Sciences
Sri Venkateswara College
Project worked on:
“Fortification of Indian mustard by growth promoting bacteria through priming”
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